Groundwork North Wales celebrated the incredible work their volunteers undertake with a Volunteer Celebration!

Groundwork North Wales are extremely thankful for the work and support carried out by the volunteers each week.
Volunteers across the Groundwork North Wales group (which includes Refurbs, Wild Ground, and Pedal Power) were invited to Ty Calon, Deeside, to celebrate the amazing work they carry out.
Across the 2022-2023 year there was a total of 1,514 volunteers engaged in various activities across the Groundwork North Wales group amassing a total of 19,354 volunteering hours.
All of the volunteers in attendance were thanked by Karen Balmer (CEO), Lorna Crawshaw (Head of Programmes and Partnerships, and Nigel Reader (Chair of Trustees) and Stan Moore (Trustee) . Volunteers were presented with a certificate and small gift in recognition of all their hard work and dedication.
Karen Balmer (Group CEO) said of the celebration:
“Volunteers play a vital role in everything we achieve here at Groundwork North Wales. Our volunteers bring skills, advice, and experience to our various projects and donate their valuable time to benefit their community. So, our Volunteer Celebration is to sincerely thank them for that commitment and time they so generously give.
Our Volunteer Celebration day also provided the opportunity for our volunteers to give their feedback on what we can do for them to make their volunteer experience as best as it can be."
Lorna Crawshaw echoed these thoughts:
“Today was about celebrating our wonderful volunteers and recognising the fantastic contribution our volunteers make. Our volunteers play an important part in making a difference to individuals, communities, and the natural environment. We couldn’t do it without you, and so we want to better understand how we can develop our volunteering program.”
If you are interested in volunteering locally then please do not hesitate to get in touch. Groundwork North Wales is passionate about volunteering and offers lots of opportunities in many different areas. Whether you're looking to gain work experience and broaden your horizons, fulfil your passion in environmental issues or simply want to give a few hours a week to a cause that benefits your community, Groundwork North Wales is the organisation that can help you to do something special.
You can find out more information on volunteering with us HERE and via our social media or please get in touch directly on 01978 757 524 | [email protected] and ask about Volunteering.