Groundwork North Wales deliver youth engagement sessions with secondary school groups in Wrexham.

Thanks to WCBC (Community Safety, Community Cohesion, Youth Justice and Education) working in partnership with North Wales Police and the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for North Wales, funding was secured from the Safer Streets 4 Funding Programme which has enabled Groundwork North Wales to deliver youth engagement sessions with secondary school groups in Wrexham (Ysgol Clywedog and Rhosnesni High). The programme creates opportunities for young people who have been identified as taking part in anti-social behaviour or who are at risk of doing so.

The sessions have provided skills, support, opportunities and in-depth discussion around the topic of antisocial behaviour in school and in local communities. The young people who have participated have learnt new skills through participating in various activities as well as achieving various formal qualifications.

Aaron Jones, Senior Youth Lead said.

“The participants have been fantastic to work with and have given 100% effort in every session. The young people have grown considerably in their understanding of how their behaviour affects individuals, their school and their community whilst we have worked with them”.

Aaron explained how it was important for participants to have ownership of the sessions, working together to plan activities and for all participants to have a full understanding of what they hoped to achieve. Activities included various improvements to their school environment which they would undertake. One such improvement is the creation of a graffiti mural artwork for the school featuring iconic imaging representative of Wrexham and inspirational wording.

As well as the school improvements the young people participated in community litter picks and enjoyed practical hands-on woodwork tasks in the workshop at Groundwork North Wales site in Tanyfron. Tasks included those aimed at improving their physical and intellectual skills, tasks requiring good communication, health and safety considerations, teamwork, and following instruction.

Donna Edwards, Assistant Headteacher Rhosnesni High had only positive feedback on the difference the sessions have made to their participants.

“As far as I am concerned and in speaking to the pupils it has been fantastic. They have had the chance to develop new skills, experienced interacting with different adults (Aaron & colleagues) in a different environment and formed good relationships. They have experienced different types of work opportunities that are possible and have not given any negative feedback.”

The session has been praised by the WCBC (Community Safety, Community Cohesion, Youth Justice and Education) and North Wales Police partnership. The session is now going from strength to strength working with other secondary schools in Wrexham and a larger cohort of young people.

To find out more about the Safer Streets project or any of Groundwork North Wales Youth Team projects please visit or email [email protected]

Graffiti Project Ysgol Clywedog Ysgol Clwyedog Graffiti project Ysgol Clywedog Graffiti project Ysgol Clywedog Graffiti project Ysgol Clywedog Graffiti project