Please think of others and clear up after your dog

The staff and volunteers from the Our Back Yard project are putting out a heartfelt plea to dog owners in Connah’s Quay to please think of others and to clear up after their dogs.

The Our Back Yard Project works with local people to improve green spaces in Connah’s Quay and has improved various green sites and parks in the area. In recent months there has been a noticeable increase in fouling across Connah’s Quay causing issues for local people who access the green spaces and for local volunteers who give up their spare time to help maintain and improve these areas.

Project staff are working in partnership with Flintshire County Council to look at ways to tackle the dog fouling issue and to highlight hotspots for enforcement officers.

Richard Aram Project Manager said “Dog fouling is one of the main concerns of local people in relation to green spaces in Connah’s Quay. We carried out surveys in 2018 and 2021 and dog fouling is one of the main barriers that prevent people from using and enjoying the spaces. Children especially should be able to enjoy playing outdoors without the constant issue of dog fouling.”

Issues with dog fouling can be reported to Flintshire County Council, and further information can be found here,

The Our Back Yard project continues to work across Connah’s Quay offering volunteer sessions every  Wednesday and Thursday alongside working with local schools and community groups.

 For more information follow or call 01978 757524