We are pleased to release our 2022 Impact Report, illustrating how our work supports the economic, social, environmental, and cultural well-being of Wales and detailing our achievements.
As the cumulative impacts of Brexit, Covid -19, Climate Change, and the current conflict in Ukraine take effect on our communities’ well-being the time has never been more critical for Groundwork North Wales to play its part in supporting the economic, social, environmental, and cultural well-being of Wales.
The Impact report highlights our projects that have helped communities as the cost of living crisis impacts with our Community Fridge at Refurbs Flint and the Energy team administrating £93,090 worth of energy vouchers and 111 winter warmer packs.
The project teams have introduced new activities and initiatives to assist with social isolation and improve families’ confidence in the outdoors through the Lunch and Company project at Caffi Cyfle, Alyn Waters, and the Wellies in the Woods outdoor and natural play initiative.
455,700m2 of land has been maintained or improved and 43 community clean-ups have been held. The Minera Lead Mines site has been redeveloped to continue to encourage community engagement with natural heritage and green spaces and over 1,300 people supported to learn and achieve.
Karen Balmer, CPFA Group CEO said
“Groundwork North Wales’ greatest strength rests in our people and in our approach. We strive to find joined up solutions to improve the economic, social, environmental and cultural well-being of our communities.
Our annual Impact report shares some of the work we have undertaken and the outcomes we have achieved”.
You can view it online HERE