Improving Woodlands for Wildlife and Nature

Woodland Wellbeing is an exciting new Wild Ground project to improve woodlands for communities, wildlife, and nature around Buckley, Broughton, and Alltami in Flintshire. This project is funded by Welsh Government’s Landfill Disposals Tax Communities Scheme, administered by WCVA.

Woodlands improve our quality of life by helping to make us physically healthier and improving our mental well-being. Woodland Wellbeing will connect the woodland areas in the 3 communities through volunteering opportunities for all, with a focus on woodland management and creation, as well as holding engaging education and well-being events.

The project will engage with the local community in the sustainable management of their local woodlands and the development of woodland spaces for education and improved physical health and well-being.

Geraint Hughes, Wild Ground Reserves Officer said, “Woodland Wellbeing is a wonderful opportunity to work with the local communities of Buckley, Alttami, and Broughton in Flintshire to create, restore, enhance and maintain natural woodland habitats.”

“We will be offering regular weekly volunteer sessions on Mondays to increase the quality of the woodland habitats. Tasks will include traditional woodland management skills such as planting, coppicing, hedge laying, sowing woodland wildflowers, dead-hedging/hurdle-making, making bird/bat nesting/roosting boxes, and species monitoring.”

“Well-being events and activities will be held to raise awareness and interest in biodiversity and the well-being benefits of spending time in natural habitats. This will include child-friendly sessions for primary schools and families such as bushcraft days, and tree ID walks, as well as sessions for the public such as woodland mindfulness, guided walks, and wildlife ID sessions. 

“Woodland training events will be part of Woodland Wellbeing including woodland management training, conservation, maintaining natural habitats, and increasing biodiversity”.

Anyone wanting to join the Monday volunteer team or to find out more about Woodland Wellbeing should contact Wild Ground at 01978 757524 or email [email protected]
