A successful nature focused Christmas event

The Wild Ground team held a successful nature focused Christmas event at Rhydymwyn this December.

Rhydymwyn nature reserve near Mold in Flintshire has restricted access, due to its interesting history from early lead mining activities at the site to life as a WWII chemical weapons factory. The site has a very varied and diverse habitat.

The nature reserve has a on off-track woodland trail which made it an ideal place to hold a Christmas Nature Trail event, which was held on Saturday 10th December.

At the event there was the opportunity to meet Father Christmas in his grotto and families took part in wreath making using natural materials sourced from site, painting wood cookies to create decorations for Christmas trees and festive colouring.

There was much fun to be had following a Christmas nature woodland trail where families had to find the clues along the trail to answer questions on the quiz.

Thank you to Father Christmas who volunteered to bring some sparkle and excitement to the children and gave the gift of a baby tree to the children.

Thanks must go to The Friends of Rhydymwyn Valley  who supported the event by running the café, serving hot drinks and delicious soup.