The Our Back Yard project has been busy creating wildflower areas across Connah’s Quay parks and green spaces.

In total the project will see 1000 sq ft of wildflower areas created in Golftyn, Central and Richmond parks in Connah’s Quay as well as expanding wildflower areas by Connah’s Quay library. The project has also put a plan in place to manage the areas in the coming years. The activities have been funded through the Local Native Partnership Challenge Fund and through Flintshire County Council Countryside Services.
Amy Jones Our Back Yard coordinator said ‘Volunteers have worked really hard these last few weeks to plant wildflowers and bulbs including daffodils, Tulips and Fritillary. This will provide beautiful colour in the spring and summer as well as important areas for pollinators such as bees and butterflies. We got some really positive comments from local residents about what we are doing which we really appreciate that as well as the hard work from the volunteers who have helped make this happen’