World well-being week is an initiative aimed at raising awareness of and enhancing the overall well-being of individuals and communities. This annual event falls on the last week of June each year, bringing together communities to prioritise and promote mental, physical, and emotional health.


With the challenges faced by individuals and communities in recent times, focusing on well-being has become more crucial than ever. Well-Being Week serves as a platform to raise awareness about the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, managing stress, and fostering resilience. The event encourages individuals to engage in activities that positively impact their well-being, while also providing opportunities to learn about various well-being practices and resources.

The Groundwork North Wales group host a range of free projects created to support the well-being of our community. From lunch clubs to energy saving support, Groundwork North Wales works with individuals and communities across North Wales to improve mental health and well-being.

The Youth Shed  at Refurbs Flint is a space that offers young people the chance to learn away from the structured classroom environment. Offering these young people, the chance to learn new skills, both social and practical, will improve their social well-being and equip them to be more emotionally resilient and able to deal with pressures in everyday life.

Lunch and Company improves social well-being through participation, reducing isolation and loneliness amongst older people by supporting them to stay connected and build new friendships. With so many of those over 60 feeling isolated since the pandemic, the luncheon club offers the chance to socialise, meet new people and enjoy a delicious meal with entertainment and activities.

Volunteering with Wild Ground provides an opportunity to meet new people, have fun, and enjoy the natural environment. Wild Ground volunteer, Eddie, gives his time and skills week in and week out to support nature and improve the nature reserve, ensuring wildlife is protected and the habitats conserved. Eddie also loves to volunteer somewhere where he can express his passion for the natural world and use his wide knowledge of birdlife by regularly surveying wildlife at the reserve.

“I have volunteered for Wild Ground for the last two years after retiring as a Community Psychiatric nurse, it’s really nice to do something for the environment, to support great crested newts and to get a much better understanding of the biodiversity on site. Being part of a friendly team is important to me, as is continuing to learn new skills”.

Groundwork North Wales will be joining other organisations in celebrating well-being week on 28th June from 1pm – 4pm at a networking event, providing information and opportunities surrounding mental and physical wellbeing at Wrexham’s well-being hub on Chester Street, Wrexham.

To keep up to date with projects and volunteering opportunities across the Groundwork North Wales group you can visit or look for Groundwork North Wales on your social media.

If you would like to find out more about any of our projects, please email [email protected] or call 01978 757524.