The Friends of Llwyni Group was set up in January last year with the aim of helping local people get involved with improving green spaces in their community.

A collaboration between Flintshire County Council, Wild Ground, and the Our Back Yard project, the group was a great success.
Now there’s even more opportunities to get involved and join in to help make this unique collection of woodlands, meadows, and ponds more attractive for everyone. Helping to tidy up and maintain Llwyni will have several benefits from attracting new plants and animals to the area, to making the area more pleasant for people to be in, and even just getting some fresh air out and about.
Sites like Llwyni depend of volunteers to help manage them. This can mean pruning dead branches, removing bramble, opening up the area to allow young trees to get the light they need, and many other vital jobs. Without the kindness of volunteers giving up their spare time, it wouldn’t be possible for everyone to enjoy what Llwyni has to offer to everyone.
Llwyni holds a special place in the history of Wild Ground as it was the first Nature Reserve to be set up back in 1986. Looking after it for future generations to enjoy is an important job, but also a fun and rewarding one. It’s also an educational opportunity and a chance to learn about the importance of wildlife preserves, conservation, and managing them sustainably.
Sessions will take place once a month from 10am to 2pm at Broadoak Woods, Llwyni Valley, and the Wildlife Corridors. Current dates are:
21st July
18th August
15th September
20th October
17th November
15th December
To confirm attendance or to find out more, contact Our back Yard on 01978 757 524 or visit [email protected]