Wellies in the Woods

This week is outdoor learning week in Wales (28th March to 1st April 2022) where schools, parents and learning groups have been promoting their outdoor learning experiences.
At Groundwork North Wales we have many examples, but one that stands out is Wellies in the Woods, a family learning programme for parents and their children that aims to improve families' confidence in outdoor and natural play, with activities that are easy for families to replicate at home for little or no cost.
The programme is a great example of how learning outdoors provides the most memorable learning experiences and helps children to make sense of the world around them by putting their learning into a meaningful context.
The sessions were based on well-known children’s books such as Room on the Broom, We’re Going on a Bear Hunt, The Hungry Caterpillar, and Percy the Park Keeper. Each session involved fun activities utilising nature including making bird feeders, bug hunting, decorating a flower crown, finger painting and den building with stuffed animals.
Jess Wragg, Project Coordinator said, ‘our Wellies in the Woods programme has been a great success at getting children to explore nature and to show the parents that playing with their children can be done for little to no money. ‘
‘Utilising the great outdoors for play and engagement is not only cheap but it can be done anywhere. It can also provide families with exercise, fresh air, stimulation and helps children to grow up with an appreciation for nature.