Calling residents around the Connah’s Quay area to Help Protect Wildlife

The Friends of Llwyni Valley are looking to recruit new members. The group comes together on the third Wednesday of each month and are dedicated to protecting the Llwyni Valley and its wildlife.
The Friends group aims to improve health and well-being and create opportunities for people to enjoy, learn and improve the green spaces next to where they live. They do this in partnership with Our Back Yard, Wild Ground and Flintshire County Council to make the area better for wildlife and to benefit the whole community.
Llwyni Valley in Connah’s Quay is an important nature reserve, it was protected from development by a group of local people that saw how special it was. The area is a haven for badgers, owls, foxes, birds, newts, trees, plants and local people and It’s now a Site of Special Scientific Interest. This means that it’s protected by law due to the importance of the wildlife that lives there.
If you want to join a group of supportive people, do practical work outdoors, and learn about woodland habitat management then please get in touch. The Friends of Llwyni Valley group works from 10am to 2pm on the 3rd Wednesday of every month. Equipment and instruction from qualified staff is provided. Contact the Our Backyard team at Groundwork North Wales on 01978 757524 [email protected]