Our professional, void property clearing, and cleaning service is here to assist.

Working with local authorities, Housing Associations, social housing, and registered landlords. Our efficient property clearing, and cleaning service enables you to speed up the process of re-letting. We know that empty properties aren’t good for business with no rent coming in, but council tax and standing charges continue to accrue.

We can also clear and clean properties for owners, estate agents, solicitors, and other legal agencies following bereavement or evictions due to anti-social tenants.

We appropriately dispose of everything from tyres and batteries to general household rubbish, white goods and hazardous waste (drug paraphernalia and bodily fluids), internally and externally – all compliant with regulations such as Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE).

Once the property has been cleared  a comprehensive and thorough biohazard clean and disinfection of the property is performed to make sure that the property is clean and safe to be re-let or to be sold as quickly as possible.

To find out more please contact us on 01352 734 111 or email [email protected]