Level 3 Health and Safety in the Workplace
Download the course sheet HERE
This course has been developed to provide learners with the knowledge and skills essential for effectively managing health and safety within workplace settings. This qualification is aimed at supervisors, managers, and individuals preparing to take on health and safety roles within the workplace.
The subjects covered on this course includes:
- Legislation
- Costs of poor health and safety
- Enforcement agencies
- Health, safety and welfare provisions
- Communicating health and safety
- Managing health and safety
- Workplace hazards
- Risk assessment
- Reporting and investigating accidents
- Mental health in the workplace
- Manual handling
- Fire Safety
- Hazardous substances
- Electrical safety
- Safe use of work equipment
This is a 3-day classroom-based course.
A maximum of 16 learners can be accommodated on this course.
A level 3 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace (RQF) will be issued upon successful assessment. This qualification does not have an expiry date. It’s recommended that learners attend refresh courses to keep up to date with change in policies and procedures.
We tailor the training to suit the staff and business needs, e.g. delivering at your workplace plus evening and weekend training. For more information or to a book course, contact the Training Team on 01978 757524 or email [email protected]