More dates have been added to the Wrexham and Flintshire ACL Programme timetable

ACL is a joint venture between Flintshire County Council and Wrexham County Borough Council providing adult learning opportunities and outcomes in our communities
Groundwork Training is delivering funded courses on behalf of ACL for adults aged over 19 at various locations across the two counties of Wrexham and Flintshire.
Courses include IT Skills for Beginners aimed at building confidence in computers and Employability Skills which include CV writing, interview skills and how to search and apply for a job.
In addition, in Flintshire, Groundwork Training is running Confidence Building Courses where participants work on personal development, learn to set personal goals, and explore the journey to employment.
The Wood Shed offers hands-on learning and is located at Refurbs in Flint where community learning sessions include practical woodworking and upcycling.
More information including dates can be found on the North East Wales ACL Facebook page and on the Groundwork North Wales Facebook.
To book a course or find out more, please get in touch with Groundwork North Wales at [email protected] or ACL on 07584 335409 [email protected] .